What is BeeApp?

BeeApp is a comprehensive software solution to manage all parts of the honey-production process.

Why choose BeeApp?

BeeApp offers a solution for all your business needs, whether it be for queen rearing, beekeeping, extraction, blending, inventory, warehousing, retail packing, finished goods or a combination of some or all of those. We empower apiculturists across the entire bee and honey value chain to optimize their operations with fast, easy to use software solutions.

Cost Savings

There are a myriad of activities that BeeApp streamlines and standardises for your business; whether it's the consistent data you collect during hive inspections, or the time you save filling in Harvest Declarations etc. So, while buying software to save money can seem counter-intuitive, think of BeeApp as a long-term investment, with a guaranteed ROI.


Got data spread across lots of spreadsheets? Struggling to work out what to optimise and how to improve? BeeApp's smart dashboards and customisable tables, make discovering those all important insights about your business that much quicker and easier.


Every drum of honey extracted and stored, every breeder queen you produce and every hive or apiary you inspect, it's all recorded by BeeApp's smart "enter once" data entry. Have a honey drum in your warehouse and need to know which hive it came from or the lab results, just scan it and BeeApp will tell you its history. When we say end-to-end traceability - we mean it!


Every business is unique and Bee Intelligence understands that; what works for one customer may not for another. We believe in creating quality long-term partnerships and working closely with our customers to provide continuous improvements that keeps adding value to their business.

Intelligent Automation

BeeApp has automated laboratory integration with leading certified laboratories meaning your business has the honey lab results as soon as they are released, and they are automatically loaded and associated with the batch and drums. Accuracy and speed are important in a fast-paced industry.

Compliance Made Easy

Agricultural compliance is a heavy burden but necessary to give consumers confidence in your products globally. BeeApp lifts the compliance burden by making all RMP documentation available at the 'click' of a button. Simple and easy compliance, by BeeApp.

BeeApp Modules

BeeApp is divided into modules and you can pick and choose the modules you need for your business. Click on a module to find out more.

Supporting Beautiful Creatures

For every part of your honey journey we have technology that empowers you to do what you love. Our purpose is to set every beekeeper up with the tools they need to run a successful business, keep healthy bees and ensure we hand a world over to the next generation that allows both our species to thrive together. We continuously strive to develop, innovate and push the boundaries of our offerings. Every day we improve the value that we provide to our customers and our favourite little creatures.


Read what our customers say about BeeApp and Bee Intelligence.

BeeApp has revolutionised apiculture best practices. Gone are the days of not knowing what’s going on in the field or factory.

We have had a few times we have said ‘can we do this differently?’ and these guys take that on board and make the changes that need to be made.

Hayden Moore, Extraction Greytown