Retail Packing & Finished Goods

BeeApp Module

This module manages product lines' SKU's and jars, batches and honey blends, including accounting for residual honey. Stock on hand, including all related compliance documents, are traceable back to the apiaries/hives.

Feature Highlights

Pack Blend Scenarios & Tank Management

Base your retail product runs off honey blend scenarios.

Automatic honey laboratory testing integration - retail stock blend batches.

Tip your blend into the packing tank and manage the retail packing end-to-end.

Retail SKU Management

Each retail format, across all your product lines, are individually managed.

Retail SKU Management - manage stock on hand, transfer stock to online sales channels.

Integrate with your stock management system.

Export Compliance & Traceability

Audits made easy - compliance at your fingertips - BeeApp.

Full traceability and compliance documents for each retail format SKU.

All compliance documents associated with a packed retail batch available.